2010年8月25日 星期三





4 則留言:

sydney 提到...

It is a nuisance casued by our public servants who are most likely sitting in offices following procedures. If these people have to pay for the expenses, or the saving goes to their pockets, I believe they will come out to take a look. It is so easy to spend others people's money.
[版主回覆08/28/2010 01:14:00]I can't agree more with your last sentence! To be frank, it makes me feel worried that whether I'm the one who spend the public money easily, coz I'm one of ppl who have authority to approve the minor project and activity which organised or supported by the Govt't or the Southern District Council. 
I don't think it's fair to accuse the public servants that they get some of the public money into their pockets. I think their just follow the rule and procedure without any other thinking.

Lin Ngai 提到...

胡亂翻新, 不但浪費金錢, 也妨礙了居民享用設施。政府實在不該如此。 順帶一問: 第三張照片攝於何時?
[版主回覆08/28/2010 01:05:00]三張照片都是在星期四(26日)拍的。

ericwonghk83 提到...


sydney 提到...

Kevin, I do not mean there were corruption. If the cost went to the ones authorizing the job, inevitably, the work would be frugally considered.