2010年10月31日 星期日

新巴在黃竹坑道因短路自焚 Bus Fire Forces Evacuation


There was a rare incident of bus fire last week. Fortunately no citizen was hurt. Details pls refer to the following report:

Ming Pao Daily News 
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涉事雙層冷氣新巴為行走海怡半島至金鐘的590 號線。昨晚8 時許,該巴士在海怡半島巴士總站接載20多名乘客開出,沿黃竹坑道往香港仔隧道方向,駛至99 號對開時,56 歲姓周車長發現車頭機件冒出濃煙,即停車疏散乘客及報警。

消防員趕至時巴士車頭已起火焚燒,火勢迅速蔓延至上層,消防員隨即開動兩喉灌救,26 分鐘後將火救熄,巴士嚴重焚毁,幸無人受傷。消防初步調查後相信是電線短路起火,並無可疑。

South China Morning Post 
EDT4  |   EDT
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In Brief

Bus fire forces evacuation

Passengers aboard a double-decker bus operated by New World First Bus were evacuated when it caught fire on Wong Chuk Hang Road in Aberdeen. The fire, which started in an electrical control box, burned out the front of the lower compartment and spread to the upper deck of the bus, which was on the 590 route from South Horizons to Central.
