2008年1月10日 星期四

報章報導:南區發展或造成交通壓力 (Development Impacts on Pubic Transport )

I've been conducting a survey about the development of WCH industry area(Pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1713 and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=1701), because a land developer applies to change the use of its land, which supposed to build a hotel, to a residential building.

According to the Planning Dept's, the WCH industry area has been planned as an area for commercial and hotel development. If the land developer's application is approved by the Town Planning Board, other land developers may apply to change their hotel and commercial projects in the area to build residential buildings as well, simply for the profit making reason.

Such rezoning in the area may impacts on the public transport and the development of WCH, and even the Southern district as a whole. It's why I think we need to do a survey concerning this issue.

I'll release the result of the survey after it's completed in around 2 weeks.

昨天我正在黃竹坑做問卷時(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1713 及http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=1701),蘋果日報記者打電話來訪問關於南區地鐵及海洋公園的擴建工程對地區的影響。我指出以下2點:

1. 海洋公園因離民居較遠,加上其以輸送帶運走廢料,故其擴建工程對居民影響不大;

2. 工廠區內原訂興建的酒店及商業大廈項目,將來可能會改建住宅,我這些天收集的居民意見,大多表示擔心如工廠區轉變為住宅區,人口大增,將今交通惡化;且擔心社區及休憩用地減少。

PS: 這份問卷大約會在10天後完成,到時會向各位報告問卷結果。

