2008年2月28日 星期四

南區地鐵出入口初稿 Draft Design of MTR Station(1)





MTR Corporation reported to the Southern District Council this afternoon on the latest progress of the MTR Southern Line Project.

I'm disappointed that the draft design of the exits of the WCH station is too far away from our residents. We already know that the station will be located near the block 10 of WCH estate; we hope there will be at least one exit of the station that is near Shum Wan Road.

The MTR Corporation fails us! I questioned it that the MTR station should be located at a place that convenient to local residents, but the MTR Corporation replied that it foresee the re-development of the industrial area and the station will serve them.

We'll discuss this issue in details on 5 March. And My colleagues and I will distribute leaflets tomorrow morning to let residents know the latest progress.






