2008年2月5日 星期二

新年進步 恭喜發財! Kung Hei Fat Choi!


黃竹坑的居民昨天起會在區內發現我的新banner, 算是我為大家準備的一份小小的新年禮物107號巴士早上班次已增加至5-12分鐘一班,而且樹仁中學站也將在2月24日搬到陳白沙中學校側。(我以前的跟進,請見: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/searchblog_art?p=107&my=1)

Tonight is the eve of Lunar New Year; I wish all of you a fruitful Year of Rat! I have a present to resident of Wong Chuk Hang: the morning frequency of the Rt. 107 bus has been increased to 5-12 min.; the present Rt. 107 bus stop near the Shu Yan College will be moved forward to the bus stop besides the Chan Pak Sha Secondary School. It will save time for resident to walk home. (My previous follow up, pls see : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/searchblog_art?p=107&my=1 )

I'd proposed such re-arrangement of the bus stop around one year ago, and the TD will implemented it on 24th Feb.




The new Rt. 107 bus will be moved to here. It centainly shorten the distance to walk home.


Letter from TD, after one year of fighting to implement my proposal.
