2008年7月20日 星期日

徐遠華參選立法會:經驗之旅  LegCo Election: Journey of Mission Impossible?

我參選立法會了!(競選網站:http://www.ahkam.hk )

考慮參選與否的那幾天,我把自己寫的一年多的網誌全部看了一遍,這篇"區議員的視野與質素 Vision and quality Needed"以及韋伯的"以政治為志業"的演講,使我鼓起勇氣,下了參選決心。我曾在裡面這樣寫:


下這個決定後,我仍感到很不自信,常常反問自己:這是個適合的決定嗎?我可以為民主黨的團隊貢獻什麼? 當時不便於公開參選,於是我很隱晦地寫了"不要怕 Don't be afraid",以鼓勵自己。乃至這一篇寫希臘悲劇的blog(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3160),也是寫來鼓勵自己的:裡面的主題是責任感。劉小楓對梁錦松的批評:當經濟人成了立法者 A Critique: Economic Man as Legislator ,這篇也隱約和參選立法會有關,各位有沒有留意呢?





I've joined the LegCo election! (See the platform at http://www.ahkam.hk )

It's a journey of getting experience. I read all my writing in this blog, this article reminds me of not let this chance go away: "區議員的視野與質素 Vision and quality Needed", and Max Weber's lecture, named "Politics as Vocatoin" pushes me to ahead. I wrote this on my previous blog:

The present system of the district council is not helping to boost political talents, it's especially so after the urban council and sub-urban council were cancelled. And I keep it in mind that I need to enhance my ability and widen my vision to be a qualified district councillor who is competent for position that bears heavier responsibility and needs greater ability.(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1747)

It's a journey of mission impossible too: I was placed on the third place, after Kam Nai Wai and Dr Yueng Sum, in my party's ticket, I have no chance to win. To be frank, even after the decision was made, I still keep asking myself this question (which a question I learned from Margaret Ng's book): Am I good for the cause?

Because of this, I wrote a story to encourage myself that I must not be afraid:"不要怕 Don't be afraid"and this one is on classical tragedy (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3160) aims to remind me that sense of duty to my party.

I belive if I want to achieve a greater goal, now it's a good chance for me to get experience to equip myself to be capable for a position with great responsibility.


