2008年7月7日 星期一

與運輸局及港鐵開會跟進地下隧道方案 Meeting with Transport Bureau and MTR(1)



今早我就和甘乃威、楊森、馮煒光、柴文瀚以及一眾深灣軒、南濤閣、逸港居及壽臣山村等居民代表一起去了中環與運輸局及港鐵總工程師開會,跟進早前我們努力宣傳的南區地鐵採用地下隧道,以取代高架橋的方案。(我過往的跟進,見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3073 and  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/index?l=f&id=12)




Dr Yeung Sum, Mr Kam Nai Wai,  Mr Andrew Fung, Mr Henry Chai and I, together with some representatives of local residents went to Central to have meeting with the Transport Bureau and the MTR Corp. This is to follow up the issue of fighting for a underground railway in Southern District.(See my previous follow up: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3073 and  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/index?l=f&id=12)

The Officials of the Bureau kept its style: all comments are welcome. It's the only result we got. And the MTR Corp. played the familiar skill: It's just a preliminary stage of public consultation and all views and comments are welcome...

We urged them again that both plans should be lay out to let the public know the difference between the two plans.

The only good news is that the MTR didn't say that our plan is not feasible, though claimed there will be some engineering difficulties.

Let's keep on fighting for a underground railway for Southern District!
