2009年4月3日 星期五

香港仔行人隧道旁加升降機 Lift Tower at Aberdeen, Tin Wan and Wong Chuk Hang


Lift towers will be installed at Aberdeen bus terminus,  Tinwan and besides the Yan's Tower at Wong Chuk Hand Rd. It'll help the disabled citizen, wheel chair users and senior citizen. It aims at making Aberdeen and WCH as "barrier free access" community.

It needs around 18 months to build the facilities, and it probably could be completed and put into service in June 2011.

2 則留言:

偉祥 提到...

[版主回覆04/06/2009 18:49:00](Empty)

羽毛球勁人 提到...

我覺得這個方法好好呀. 可以讓傷健人士方便一d好好呀. 加油呀.
[版主回覆04/06/2009 18:51:00](Empty)