2009年4月23日 星期四

惠福道斜坡工程 Welfare Road Slope Construction



I've mentioned one month ago that the slope at the Welfare Road should be beautify (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5429). The construction is going now, it's just a construction by covering the slope by the cement, but not beautifying the slope. It's the private land, so the gov't and me have no say about this issue. 

4 則留言:

Sindy 提到...

由本年七月七日起,本港約超市、便利店、百貨公司等二千多個零售點,將會向顧客收取每個膠袋五毫的徵費, 所以 各位blog友出街記得帶環保袋呀

偉祥 提到...


羽毛球勁人 提到...


Philip 提到...

Keep working for public is good thing