2009年4月15日 星期三

視察港鐵高架路軌 Site visit with MTRC and JCRC




The MTRC invited the chairman of the special committee on the MTR SIL project of the Southern District Council; the representatives of JCRC and the parents of the patient and me to have a joint site visit to the Ma On Shan Line to know more about the noise impact of the elevated railway.

The JCRC is the closest building to the elevated railway in the future. There are many mental patients are living in the JCRC, most of them are sensitive to the noise that may to have negative impact on their health. I feel entitled to fight for their protection because they are the weakest group of our society.

So I urge again and again in the meetings of District Council and other occasions that the MTRC should not just care about the cost and fulfill the basic requirements of the environmental impact assessment but must bear in mind that the patients in the JCRC need special arrangements, and MTRC should have the social responsibility to take care the patients.

4 則留言:

SkyBlue 提到...

[版主回覆04/17/2009 18:05:00]現在很多人講內地辦事效率(efficiency)比香港高,其實是現在香港不僅僅重視效率,同時也越來越講求整體效益(effectiveness)。只講求效率會有很多其他事前估計不到的副作用。

偉祥 提到...

[版主回覆04/17/2009 18:09:00](Empty)

羽毛球勁人 提到...

我自己覺得黃竹坑區有港鐵會放便d呀. 我希望徐議員比d意見好吗唔該.
[版主回覆04/17/2009 18:09:00]當然啦。

Peko momo 提到...

方便重要, 生活質素更重要 !!
沒有好空氣, 寧靜的環境, 情願不要呢個方便 !!
拜托您多多支持, 保護南區, 謝謝 !!