2009年10月19日 星期一

港鐵高架路軌對東華三院復康中心的影響 The Impact of MTR SIL to JCRC




I had a meeting with the MTRC and the concerned dept again, aimed at following up the impact of MTR SIL to JCRC. The result is almost the same as last meeting on 8 Oct.(Ref. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=7503&prev=7513&next=7486).

The TMRC promised to cover up the elevated railway along the JCRC and I followed up by suggesting to cover up all the elevated railway along the WCH nallah because it'll avoid the noise impact of buildings at both sides of the nallah. And, it'd be noted that the WCH is going to become a new cnetre of the Southern District.(ref.http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=7568)

Money matters a lot and it's why my suggestion gets no solid reply from both the MTRC and the concerned govt dept.

1 則留言:

Li 提到...

我有一個suggestion, 我們可以做一份報告,(估價)計返南鐵成本/收益/等等. 另外, 若老人院成功興建34層樓, 東華三院復康中心會比其他大廈封住, 我們做多一份空氣評估. 盡快發給傳媒,讓人關注.