2009年10月8日 星期四

港鐵高架路軌對東華三院復康中心的影響 The Impact of MTR SIL to JCRC

今天我出席了東華三院復康中心跟進港鐵刊憲的會議,運輸局副局長邱誠武和港鐵回應了中心三項主要訴求,承諾會以全覆方式興建該段高架路軌,會將路軌高度降低至約26米,距離則中心約 17米。港鐵這次確有實質答覆,但我和中心很多家屬都覺得渠務署指若高架路軌橋柱設於黃竹坑大明渠中,將會增加排水危險的說法說服力不夠。



I attended a meeting held in the JCRC, aiming at following up the 3 demands of the JCRC. The under-Secretary for Transport and Housing Mr Yau Shing Mu and the MTRC have done a nice job so far, because they did responded the demands positively. The MTRC has lowered the elevated railway, moved away the railway a little bit from the JCRC(the distance is not yet been accepted) and promised to cover up the elevated railway in order to avoid the noise impact.

The background and my previous follow up of this issue, pls refer tohttp://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=6857
