2010年5月13日 星期四

減少48號巴士阻塞通道 Plan to Move Rt.48 Bus Terminus

當初我向運輸署爭取48號繞經深灣時,同時提出總站應設在華富,但署方不知為會「要D唔要D」,只接納了我關於繞經深灣的建議,但卻將總站同時設在深灣,令我們現在需跟進這項「後遺症」:48號有兩架,多時有三架巴士停泊在雅濤閣正門對出通道,加上早上尚有71P, 973P及校巴等停泊,尤其是早上上班時段,很多居民趕去坐72A或75巴士,需跑到48站頭,穿梭巴士之間,再去趕坐72A或75巴士,容易發生意外。



The Rt.48 bus started serving Shum Wan last year, and TD set the terminus at Shum Wan too, which should be set at Wah Fu Estate in my original plan. It causes problem that too many buses stop at Shum Wan bus terminal that not only block the road, it's more important that it is easier to cause accident there. 

And sometimes when the Rt 48 or 97A bus arrives, but the parking space is occupied, so the arrived bus has to park outside the parking stop that block the road and may cause accident. 

So I suggested the TD to move the Rt. 48 bus terminus to Wah Fu again in order to avoid potential accident.

2 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...

因為唔想你話點就點, 哈!
[版主回覆05/15/2010 12:32:00]世事邊有咁完美:想點就點.哈哈.

Gary 提到...

支持, 宜家真係好擾民.