2010年5月13日 星期四

呼籲星期日投票 Political Will Need to be Expressed



我個人及民主黨並不認同這次補選是「公投」(見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=8151) ,但也向區內的市民呼籲儘公民責任,星期日投票,不管視是次選舉是「公投」還是補選,也不管選什麼人乃至投白票不選任何人,我們都應用選票表達自己的政治意願。

The CE decided not to vote on the coming Sunday, because he doesn't think it's a necessary by-election. It's a too-late decision and showed Mr Tsang lacks the political wisdom because he doesn't even dare to show his political will strongly. 

Though I personally and my party don't share the idea and strategy of so called 'referendum', I urge you to vote tomorrow to express your political will. No matter agree or disagree with such strategy, it's a civil duty after all.
