2008年8月14日 星期四

李柱銘助選:爭取楊森連任 Martin Lee: Help Dr. Yeung Sum Re-elected



1. 我們在做活動時,恰好有一泳客喊"救命"!救生員迅速趕到並救起該泳客,全程大約只有40-50秒!目睹這樣高效的救生過程,我們即場為救生員們鼓掌

2. 話說我下海游泳,誰知"戲無益",竟不小心把眼鏡丟了,真得好"淤皮"。我潛水找了二十分鐘也無果,剛好有救生員經過,問後他卻說"好難搵架喎"。我放棄再找後,卻有另一救生員過來說已有幾個救生員在找,大約十分鐘後就找了回來。看來,救生員比我們還有『永不放棄』的精神!救生員不僅儘責救人,而且在我這些小事上也儘忠職守,儘顯樂於助人的精神,所謂"細節裡見真工夫",再向你們鼓掌!


Martin Lee and my team had a gimmick to call for support of voters to help to get Dr Yeung Sum re-elected. We went to Stanley beach to simplify Martin's getting into this election.

We witnessed a rescue today that rescuers act so quick that the swimmer be saved less than 50 seconds. Applauses to these professional rescuers!

I've to mention another that the rescuers helped to get my glasses back because it was dropped into waters while I was swimming. I gave it up after looking for my glasses for 20 minutes, but the rescuers helped to look for it after knowing that. Thanks to the rescuers again!

I’ll write a thank-you letter to them. They deserve it.


I'm not Pealps of course, it's Kevin-style. haha.



These are our heros! See the pictures below to see how they rescue people:

