2008年8月8日 星期五

港台錄影和跟進黃竹坑明渠清潔 RTHK Video Record and Follow up WCH Nallah



1. 渠務署和海洋公園稍後將清理明渠淤泥;

2. 環保署將查看明渠內的油污來源,包括翻查城巴車廠污水牌檢查紀錄,查看有否超標。

We have taken the RTHK video this morning. It'll be broadcasted at the end of this month on ATV and TVB after their afternoon news.(Ref to : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3409)

Together with representatives of Drainage Services Dept,  Environmental Dept and the Ocean Park, we had a joint site visit this afternoon to check up the pollution of the nallah. As I requested, the Depts will follow:

a. cleaning up the rocks, mud and garbage later on;

b. check the source of the greasiness and check the record of the examination of the related inspections in the Citybus depot.



