2011年6月7日 星期二

下任特首必須處理《基本法》23 條立法? Article 23 legislation


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明報  (發行量 / 接觸人次: 95,578) 2011-05-27
A04 | 要聞 | 社評標示關鍵字
字數: 2300 字
下任特首必須處理《基本法》23 條立法?   

明年7 月1 日新任特首登場時,從目前情况看來,新特首面對的是回歸15 年以來所累積的一籮籮問題,涉及經濟、社會、民生各個方面,都是積壓沉重的深層次矛盾。然則,新特首應該從哪裏開始施政,是目前特首熱門參選人要思考、並要提出答案的問題。同樣地,市民對於千頭萬緒的香港內部事務,究竟認為下任特首應該訂出怎樣的緩急先後,也應該踴躍發表意見,藉此構建社會共識之餘,也可以提醒新特首不要閉門造車、罔顧現實情况、以個人主觀意志行事,把香港帶往一個錯誤的方向。

近期,特首熱門參選人的片言隻語,都被解讀為當選後的施政重點之一,其中范徐麗泰一再表示《基本法》23 條的立法工作,是下任特首要面對的挑戰。范太是熱門參選人之中,迄今唯一觸及23 條立法的人。23 條立法極其敏感,當年董建華以腳痛為由辭職,與23 條立法失敗有一定關係,自此,此事雖然未至於成為禁忌,但是政治人物都盡量迴避,以免不吃羊肉也招來一身羶。


下任特首必須進行23 條立法嗎?

范太此際率先提出這個問題,即時招來猜測和熱烈討論,也引發不少聯想;不過,撇除動機論和目的論,范太提出23 條立法,客觀上在議題設定方面,搶佔了先機。事實上,參選人都正式落場比賽之後,這個議題必然會提出,參選人也必然要回答。這個議題,未來一段日子,包括參選人和公衆都要參與討論和表態,為23 條立法在新特首施政優次中定位,所以,未知范太計算精確抑或誤打誤撞,總之,她提出的「新特首要面對23 條立法的挑戰」,客觀上拉開了透過特首選舉構建社會共識的序幕。

關於下任特首是否必須要做和完成23 條立法,我們認為,可從迫切性來考慮這個問題。

現屆曾蔭權政府雖然仍有14 個月任期,不過,從其處境和管治意志,香港的問題不急速增加和惡化,已算是萬萬大吉;所以,新特首上場之時,擺在他/她面前的會是累積15 年、一籮籮的經濟、社會、民生問題,迫切需要新特首提出方針、政策、措施去因應和尋求解決。


其次,回歸15 年以來,香港相對於內地區域、城市的一些優勢,逐漸消失,貨運業式微即屬一例;15 年來,本港經濟並無新增長點,產業愈趨窄化,就算曾蔭權政府盤算可以單天保至尊的金融業,實質是獨沽一味股票市場,再就是等中央給予開展人民幣業務的政策。這種完全被動的經濟政策,產業空洞化的同時,衍生了諸多問題,社會深層次矛盾都與此有關。所以,經濟結構轉型有迫切性,新特首工作重點放在經濟發展,切實推動6 項優勢產業,重新打造產業多元化,因應人口質素結構,創造更多就業職位等,應該是新特首施政優次的重中之重。



第五,香港政治體制結構,是導致15 年以來特區政府施政不彰主因,試想想,每當官員走進立法會,所面對的60 名議員都是反對黨,這種情况舉世罕見,政府施政如何可以順利?去年8 月以來,基於區議會和立法會選舉臨近,即使連所謂「政治聯盟」的建制派議員,為了選票考慮,竟然成為使政府多項政策、政令觸礁的主要力量,例如擴大將軍澳堆填區被否決、申辦亞運被否決、交通津貼要大幅度修改、連財政預算案也要自摑嘴巴等,充分說明「建制反對派」的威力。


23 條立法


當然,不同人士從不同立場和角度出發,都可以理出認為需要特首迫切處理的問題,就我們而言,初步認為上述五端的迫切性,較諸23 條立法,猶有過之。我們認為,目前未見有迹象顯示因為香港未就23 條立法,而危及了國家安全,而澳門完成相關立法,不應構成香港必須即時立法的必要性,因為兩地情况不同,不應相提並論;另外,若23 條立法是中央給香港的任務,必須限期完成,香港還有迫切性去做,但是,公開地未聽聞中央有此意圖,所以,在體制上,新特首毋須迫切地做23 條立法。

還有,一旦開展23 條立法,將是重大政治事件,社會必然出現分歧和對立,以體制上決定特區政府弱勢本質的今日,屆時會演變至怎樣的局面,無法預估。當年23 條立法,支持立法的民建聯在區議會選舉所遭到重創,說明即使從政治現實考慮,23 條立法所導致不確定性,是完全可以預見的。若不客觀現實,一意孤行,屆時不單是特首,連香港整體也要付出沉重代價。

明報  (發行量 / 接觸人次: 95,578) 2011-05-30
D08 | 英文 | Editorial標示關鍵字
字數: 1799 字
Article 23 legislation   


W HAT possible Chief Executive (CE) candidates have said is regarded as indicative of major policies they might carry out if they should get elected. Rita Fan, one of them, has repeatedly said it is a challenge the next CE must face to have laws enacted pursuant to Article 23 of the Basic Law. So far she is the only CEaspirant that has mentioned Article 23.

Is it necessary for the next CE to accomplish the task?

The Tsang administration's term expires in fourteen months. It is in such circumstances and has such will to run the SAR well that we will be mightily fortunate if Hong Kong's problems do not rapidly multiply or worsen in the period. When the next CE takes office, he or she will be faced with heaps ofeconomic and social problems that have accumulated over the past fifteen years. He or shemust come up with general and specific policies and measures to deal with them.

First, the Tsang administration will leave behind a dangerous property bubble. The next CE must formulate policy measures to minimise the damage its burst may cause to (the adverse economic and social impact it may have on) the SAR. Furthermore,he or she must strategically straighten out the relationship between Hong Kong's property sector and its economy and come up with a sensible land policy.

Second, since Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty fifteen years ago, some advantages it had over mainland places have gradually disappeared. It should be the next CE's top priority to develop the economy, make real efforts to foster thesix "advantage" industries, bring about industrial diversity and create jobs in the light of Hong Kong's demographics.

Third, Hong Kong has been included in the twelfth five-year plan (for the first time in such a plan). The next CE must seek not only to foster Hong Kong's economic development but also to strengthen its ties with the mainland so that they will cooperate more closely with each other and Hong Kong's development will largely keep pace with the mainland's. This should top the next CE's agenda.

Fourth, Hong Kong is plagued with such deep-rooted contradictions that society is seething with resentment. The next CE must urgently take measures to deal with them and end what may lead to social unrest.

Fifth, it is primarily thanks to Hong Kong's constitutional system that the SAR government has been ineffective over the past fifteen years. The sixty legislators officials face in the legislative chamber are all in opposition. This is rarely the case in other parts of the world. How can the government smoothly

implement its policies?The relationship between Hong Kong's executive and its legislature (which the Basic Law stipulates) incessantly breeds internal strife. Under the present system, the CE is fated to encounter enormous difficulties, whoever he or she may be. In our view, the next CE should acquaint the central government with this constitutional problem. He or she should convince Beijing of the need to amend the Basic Law to allow Hong Kong to adopt a multi-party system. This is the only way to undo the Gordian knot of Hong Kong's governance.

In our view, any of the five tasks mentioned above seems more urgent than Article 23 legislation. There is no sign that the nation's security is in danger because Hong Kong has yet to enact laws as Article 23 of the Basic Law requires it to do. The task may be urgent if the central government tells Hong Kong to accomplish it within a certain period of time. However, the public has never heard the central government intends to do so. Therefore, we do not think the next CE needs to accomplish it urgently.

Furthermore, society will be divided and polarised as soon as the SAR begins to make laws pursuant to Article 23. The government being inherently weak under the present system, there is no telling how the situation will evolve. If the government acts wilfully regardless of reality, not only the CE, but also society, will pay dearly for it.
