2011年8月10日 星期三

梁振英贈書 Book written by Leung Chan Ying


Mr Leung Chan Ying, the convener of the Executive Council, sent his third book to all district councilors(probably all legislative councilors as well) so I got one too. He wrote my name and signed his name, he probably did it all. 

It's really up to you to say it's simply a good gesture or just a PR tactic. He's a 'seems-to-be CE candidate' after all.

1 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...

其實接受一本簽名書都有壓力架, 要好好的保存同真正用心的閱讀, 哈!
[版主回覆08/24/2011 11:40:00]哈哈,能明明白白寫出自己見解的準候選人總比不表態的要好一些吧。