2008年5月7日 星期三

昂平360 /大佛的微笑 Ngong Ping 360/ the Smile of Buddha




最近我在看梵高書信集,書裡面的序言也這樣評價梵高。(注:梵高學畫前曾修讀神學,並在煤礦區以非一般的熱情廣傳福音。稍後我會寫一篇關於這本書的blog,先引一段他寫給弟弟的一封信如下:But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. Love a friend, a wife, something, whatever you like, and you will be one the right way to knowing more about it, that is what I say to myself. But one must love with a lofty and serious intimate sympathy, with strength, with intelligence, and one must always try to know deeper, better and more. That leads to God, that leads to unwavering faith.

from The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh, p.124


Last Saturday, I worked as a volunteer to joined a local trip. As you can see, we went to the Ngong Ping 360 to take the famous cable car and to have vegetarian food that day.

I wondered the smile of Buddha (he's not smiling? maybe.) has not shown his mercy enough. The impression of merciful smile of Buddha come from the statue of Buddha made in traditional dynasties which were over 1000 ago.

I am neither Christian nor Buddhist. Because of the great scholar Wang Guo Wei, I believe there’s one thing in common in Jesus and Buddha; they both bear and suffer from all the pain of human being and try to relieve the pain for us. There are people have the similar heart. The last emperor Nan Tang Dynasty and Jia Bo Yu in The Dream of Red Mansion, I believe they both have such heart.

I've been reading The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh, there are critics say Van Gogh had the same heart too, I quote from a letter he wrote to his brother, so you can make your own judgment:

But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. Love a friend, a wife, something, whatever you like, and you will be one the right way to knowing more about it, that is what I say to myself. But one must love with a lofty and serious intimate sympathy, with strength, with intelligence, and one must always try to know deeper, better and more. That leads to God, that leads to unwavering faith. (p.124)



As you can see in you face, I dont' have enough sleep lately.

曾在一個外國旅遊節目中看到,說幾乎所有的佛像都面向東方,但這座大佛就面向北方.....北京。不知是否真的如此? 是的話我也不會覺得奇怪。

According to a western travel programme, all statue of Buddha face the East, but this one is facing the North, to Beijing. I don't know whether it is true. I won't be surprised if the answer is positive.
