2008年10月28日 星期二

神交古人 Communicate with the Historical Figures






I read an essay collection written by the former president of CUHK, Prof. Ambrose King, at a bookshop. Prof. King interviewed the master historian Prof. Chien Mu, whom be asked which historical figures he wanted to talk with if possible.

Tao Yuan-ming of the Jin Dynasty, Zhuxi of the Song Dynasty and Zeng Guo-fan of the Qing Dynasty. Prof.Chien answered. The last choice surprised me actually.

I remember the composition topic of my high school open examination was that the famous pre-Ching Dynasty poet Qu Yuan wrote an email to us and demanded a reply to answer his question that whether his suicide was valuable. I remembered that I wrote the best composition in my secondary school time. So, may be it will be interesting to communicate with him if possible.

So, my dear friend, who will be your choice?

