2008年10月2日 星期四

協助雷曼兄弟產品苦主 Helping Investors of Lehman Brothers Products

民主黨近期都忙著協助雷曼兄弟苦主 ,甘乃威是這次行動的負責人。我們地區辦事處也一斷接到市民求助,我辦事處也轉介了不少個案到民主黨總部跟進。

最新的跟進進度請留意民主黨的網站:http://www.dphk.org/ 裡面有要求協助的登記表格等資料。


Democratic Party has beening working hard to help investors of Lehman Brothers products for the past three seeks. The newly elected legislator Mr Kam Nai Wai is the person in charge of this issue. Many investors come to our local offices for help, and my office has offered some cases to headquarter of my party.

For the latest follow up, pls visit my party's website at: http://www.dphk.org/

If you are one of the investors and troubled by the products, pls come to us and we'll try to help.
