2008年10月14日 星期二

施政報告和黃竹坑規劃 Policy Address and Planning of Wong Chuk Hang


82.       為鞏固和發展香港成為區內尖端醫療中心,我們必須在硬件和軟件方面有完整的配套措施。在硬件方面,我們會鼓勵和便利私營醫院的發展。政府正物色合適的土地,初步包括黃竹坑、將軍澳、大埔、北大嶼山等地區,供私營醫院發展之用。我們會邀請私營機構向政府提交發展醫院的意向及建議。



Chief Executive Donald Tsang delivered his policy address today, he mentioned Wong Chuk Hang in the following section, focusing on promoting the development of private health care.

82.    To consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's position as a prime medical centre in the region, we must have comprehensive measures in place to upgrade our hardware and software.  For the hardware, we will encourage and facilitate the development of private hospitals.  The Government is identifying suitable sites initially including the Wong Chuk Hang, Tseung Kwan O, Tai Po and North Lantau areas.  We will invite expressions of interest and proposals on hospital development from the private sector.

You could visit this site for the entire policy address: http://www.policyaddress.gov.hk/08-09/eng/p82.html 

For reference, you may refer to my previous blog about the famous private hospital, the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital , may move in Wong Chuk Hang: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3491
