2009年3月18日 星期三

反對淺水灣泳灘私有化(3) Keep Repulse Bay Public and Open(3)

今天的蘋果日報及南華早報分別報導了最新進展:因收到近千份反對意見,規劃署已決定不支持將海景大樓及附近用地改為綜合發展區,換言之, 即接納了我一直以來在區議會的意見:反對淺水灣泳灘私有化。




According to a report of the South China Morning Post, the government has abandoned plans to turn the Seaview Building in Repulse Bay into a hotel development. It means my view is accepted by the Planning Department, that is opposing privatisation of the public the public beach and preventing the traffic congestion going to be worse.

This issue will be discussed by the Town Planning Board on Friday.I'll go to the Board to present my view again.

My previous follow up and my causes of opposing such proposal, pls refer to : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E6%B7%BA%E6%B0%B4%E7%81%A3%EF%BC%8C&my=1
