2009年3月19日 星期四

Inmedia 專訪初版 Interview with Inmedia(draft version)

多謝Inmedia 的Peggy為我做的南港島線的專訪,這個尚是初版,正式版會較短,稍後將在Inmedia上載。

專訪內容講的是我近日的爭取行動:延伸港鐵黃竹坑站的行人天橋至深灣。詳情可參考:反對港鐵歪理 爭取延伸行人天橋至深灣(2) Extending MTR Cover-Walkway to Shum (2)

It's a draft version of an interview with Inmedia, thanks Peggy, the reporter, whose effort and help are appreciated. There'll be a final version (a shorter one) on the Inmedia later.

PS: thanks to those netfriends who teach me how to upload a video.(ref. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4507)

