2009年3月25日 星期三

夠照:地球之友光污染簡介會 Light Pollution in Hong Kong

雖然我早前有留意3月28日熄燈一小時 VOTE EARTH 的行動,但坦白說對光污染多了解並不多(例如事前不知有"星空保育"的行動),所以昨晚參加了地球之友舉辦的光污染簡介會,取回一本豐富又發人深省的書:《夠照》。


1. 我有臨睡前看書的習慣,但卻常常在沒熄燈的情況下不知不覺地睡著,如果爸爸媽媽夜半沒有查看並幫我熄燈的話,燈會亮到早晨!

2. 外出午飯時,我只會熄辦事處一半的燈,另一半任由它們亮著;此外,也不會關掉電腦;

3. 任由家裡和辦事處裡的自動滾水機重覆翻滾;

4. 在客廳看書時,任由電視好像伴奏一般開著;



知多一點光污染,可參考:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%89%E5%AE%B3 及 http://www.foe.org.hk/welcome/gettc.asp?id_path=1,%207,%2028,%20150,%204017,%204018

I took part in a workshop on light pollution yesterday night, in order to know more about this issue. The workshop's held by the Friends of the Earth and the book it published is so meaningful that reminds me to get rid of the following bad habits:

a. I must switch off the light before I go to bed, because I usually read on the bed before going to sleep;

b. I must switch off ALL the light in my office while I go for lunch, because I usually switch half of them; and I switch off the computers too;

c. I must not let the boiling machine reboil mater again and again;

d. I must switth off the TV set while I'm reading. It really doesn't make any sense to keep it on.


It's ashamed to find these bad habits. It's not only for my our own good to be environmental friendly(save money) and indeed, it's also for the good of others and the earth as well. And, it's not difficult to take action!

So, Let's join the Vote Earth campaign.3月28日熄燈一小時 VOTE EARTH

To know more about light pollution: http://www.foe.org.hk/welcome/gettc.asp?id_path=1,%207,%2028,%20150,%204017,%204018 and http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%89%E5%AE%B3

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