2009年3月11日 星期三

跟進惠福道泊車問題及無障礙通道 Barrier Free Access in Wong Chuk Hang


1. 署方接納JCRC和我提出的建議,將於康復中心出入口外一帶劃單黃線,方便警方執法,亦令救傷車出入不受阻塞;

2. 李生將繼續跟進於我辦事處外改斜坡,令惠福道成為無障礙通道;此外,我也轉達居民Peggy早前提出將深灣道百佳對出梯級改為無障礙通道的建議,建議落實問題不大。

During the site visit with Mr Lee of the Transport Dept, we've followed the below issues as well:

a. a yellow line will be set up outside the front gate of JCRC in order to keep clear of the road to make sure the emergency vehicles won't be block by the coaches parking there;

b. two vamps will be set up at Welfare Rd and Shum Wan rd for the disabled and wheel chair users. I believe it helps to make WCH as a "barrier free access" community.

For my previous follow ups, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4230http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3331


