2009年5月27日 星期三

端午節小禮物:加設78號巴士站 Gift: One More Bus Stop for Rt.78 Bus



PS: 其實48號巴士路線與78號差不多,但前者一早在熟食市場外有巴士站。

Good news usually come before the holiday and I take it as gift for you.(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2861) This time I give you the following one for the Dragon Boat Festival: The Transport Dept accepted my suggestion to add one more bus stop for Rt.78 bus outside the Nam Long Shan Cooked Food Market after 1 June.  

It'll help people who working and living in the JCRC and Jumbo Court, coz they need to go to the WCH bus terminal to take the Rt.78. Actually the route of Rt.48 is similar to the Rt.78, but there is already a bus stop for Rt.48 long long time ago.
