2009年8月20日 星期四

滬江維多利亞學校噪音擾民(2) Noise Nuisance by victoria Shanghai Academy(2)





Residents of Broadview Court have been suffering from the noise nuisance by the Victoria Shanghai Academy for over one year. The Academy hasn't improved the problem and it claims that the level of the noise is under the legal standard. (Pls refer to my blog for the background of this issue: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5240)

Last month, because of my follow up,the Environmental Protection Dept finally measured that the noise level is OVER the standard and the dept has issued a warning letter to the Academy to solve the problem.

Thanks to Dominic, you may compare with the follwoing viedo to know how residents are suffered:

Noise Nuisance of Victoria Shanghai Academy (part 1) (when ventilation system is on)

Noise Nuisance of Victoria Shanghai Academy (part 2) (when ventilation system is off)

5 則留言:

林君復 提到...

[版主回覆08/21/2009 20:47:00]其實雖然之前未超標,但已滋擾了居民,而學校卻居然因此而不改善,口口聲聲以合法為由不跟進,真令人失望。

青蛙仔 提到...

又會咁 0既?
[版主回覆08/21/2009 20:49:00]都唔明點解要將散熱器放係最接近居民既地方;要求佢加隔音板等佢又當聽唔到。今次測到超標啦,佢仲唔改善,我睇黎要係開學日拉橫額俾佢地家長睇清楚間學校既真面目。

Dominic 提到...

Banner is a good idea ! I'm considering to send the links to mass media like newspaper.

Dominic 提到...


Taylor 提到...

我唔知依個問題解決未 但係點解只有居民投訴? 有冇學生既意見? 學校咁大噪音,有咩可能學生完全聽唔到?
[版主回覆12/08/2009 01:59:00]噪音由學校天台上的散熱器發出,身在學校內的學生當然聽不到。