2009年8月22日 星期六

事後孔明式的爭取行動 Style of Community Work

近日見黃竹坑有政黨掛出改善南朗山配水庫健體設施的Banner,我和同事見後搖頭嘆息:因6月16日我已在網誌上載和區議會實地視察的跟進工作,當時我轉達的居民建議亦獲接納,但該政黨居然在8月爭取!可能再稍後他們就會掛出成功爭取banner 了。詳見http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=6378


There is a banner of a 'respected party' claiming to improve the facilities at the Nam Long Shan Service Reservoir Playground. My colleague and I sigh because the improvement suggestions has been accepted in June but this party 'fight for the improvement in August', though it knows quite well the suggestions had been accepted! You can know more about this at my blog article on 16 June: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=6378

It's a matter of style of community work, maybe more than this.
