2010年1月24日 星期日

我是猶太人?Am I Jew?


I feel dull these days, and I think I just like one of the Jews in the following photo.

March 12, 2009 The Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men gathered here at a yeshiva rabbinical seminary looked bored and exhausted during annual Purim celebrations in Jerusalem. Purim commemorates the rescue of Jews from genocide in the ancient Persian Empire.

2 則留言:

Lin Ngai 提到...

不過, 相中也有幾個人看來頗為精神呢!
[版主回覆01/28/2010 18:15:00]哈哈。多謝藝兄的正能量。 為了加添更多正能量,藝兄何時有時間一聚?

飛馬傳說 提到...
