2010年1月11日 星期一

細眉細眼的地區工作:馬虎的小型工程 Unacceptable Minor Improvement Work




It's a follow-up work of a minor improvement work suggestion of the working group of the Southern District last year.(Ref.http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5716

Thanks to a resident who complained that the improvement work hasn't really improved the surface of the road but the contractor assumed that they did. You may see the pictures here and will find the the so-called improvement work near the Jumbo Floating restaurant is unacceptable! 

I've raised the complaint to the Southern District and the concerned contractor promised to improve the work in two weeks. 

I'll keep monitoring the process and the result of the work, or it'll just waste the public money and damage the image of HK by this ugly and unsatisfactory work. 
