2010年1月31日 星期日

In Character: What Makes a Politician Become a Statesman

我這幾天收拾狼藉滿桌的書本,不然會被老媽子責罵,哈哈。收拾其間看到一本自己斷斷續續看的訪談錄,這是John Mortimer寫的In Character,05年時我在圖書館舊書義賣中以超低價五元買了回來,因為第一個受訪者就是Lord Denning。


‘…but I'm not sure his(Winston Churchill's) heart was in being a Conservative.’
Lord Butler's eyes were shining. Somewhere deep inside he seemed to be suppressing another giggle. ‘Winston used to ring me up before a Budget and say, “Remember compassion!”’

我06年看時,在這句旁邊寫下了這樣的眉批:It makes a politician to a statesman. 


Archbishop Runcie: We've produced a competitive society which condemns anyone who doesn't succeed on it's own terms. It's very cruel, and it's a new form of deprivation.


Tony Benn: it's the evil in man that makes democracy necessary and man's belief in justice that makes democracy possible.


Roy Jenkins: In a sentence, I believe in introducing humanitarian conscience and reform; concerns for those who don't easily survive in a rough world.

“Remember compassion!”’開卷有益,此之謂也!

4 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...

幾蚊本書真係抵到爛, 哈!

Element 提到...

I like this: "We've produced a competitive society which condemns anyone who doesn't succeed on its own term. It's very cruel, and it's a new form of deprivation"
兩個月前, 我對學生說: "為什麼是成功? 首先你自己定義你的成功, 然後做到了那個成功, 那你就成功了. 不需要追求別人認為的成功". 中國人對"成功"的理解何其匱乏, 另一種貧困.

Anonymous 提到...

遊戲 - ←點我進入~^^
美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天

Anonymous 提到...

免費小遊戲 - ←點我進入~^^
美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女視訊 聊天 美女論壇