2008年12月15日 星期一

淺水灣沙灘競跑和黨內選舉  Beach Run and Election of Party Leadership



PS: 沙灘跑起步點就在淺水灣海景大樓外,這次是名符其實的公眾自由參與。如果將來連沙灘也被私有化,像這類的民間活動就無法在海景大樓舉辦了。(參考:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4505&prev=4421&next=4270)

I was busy even on Sunday. I went to the Repulse Bay to be a guest to declare the start of the Beach Run on 930am, then I backed to Central to attend my party's AGM and it had been held until 6pm. A new leadership was elected but I failed to win the support to be elected as a central committee member. However, I was elected as a member of the standing committee of HK Island Branch of my party a few weeks ago. It proved that for a young man like me, there are still a lot of work to do to convince people who don't know me well to take up a position with greater responsibility.

PS: The Beach Run was held exactly at the Seaview Building of Repulse Bay that we'd been fighting to preserve and stop the privatization.(Ref.: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4505&prev=4421&next=4270)


Mr Vincent Wong, district councillor for Aberdeen, and I were the guests of the Beach Run.
