2010年6月22日 星期二




4 則留言:

teddyli 提到...

[版主回覆06/24/2010 12:27:00]你好像說得是我疏忽監察導致。請問問自己這是否合理?不如想想香港雖有icac, 但仍不斷有人貪污, 那麼是貪污的人應負責呢還是icac負責?
言論大可自由, 但評論請力求公允。

sydney 提到...

Rupture of pipes and ducts are ugly fact of life. Relevant owners are responsible for proper maintenance.
Councillors sitting and sleeping on pipes and ducts would never be able to drive away failure. They can drive for speedy repairs.
I hope it is a rhetoric error instead of a protest.
[版主回覆06/30/2010 18:08:00]I agree with you. According to my experience, what residents concern most is whether the water apply will be effected once they found the accident; the second concern is whether the traffic will be blocked or worsen. So the communication between the councillor/gov't and the residents is important.

teddyli 提到...

[版主回覆06/30/2010 18:05:00]係咪得個桔,由居民決定吧。如果Teddy看過我網誌的大部份地區工作跟進後,仍然覺得係得個桔,咁我仲有咩話可說呢?都係果句:言論大可自由,評論呢最緊要公允。

sydney 提到...

It is not up to Kevin or Water Supplies Department to prevent leakage (unless we have frequent changes of water pipes which will also create nuisance to public). Kevin has done his best but he cannot change whatever happened.
We all do a lot of things without reasonable returns. C'est le vie.
It is always necessary to have appropriate push to reduce inconvenience to public.
[版主回覆07/10/2010 17:23:00]agree.