2010年6月9日 星期三

The Intelligent are Full of Doubt?

Today I share with you the following quotes: 

I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.

...... John Adams(1735 - 1826), US former president

In the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.

...... Bertrand Russell(1872-1970), British philosopher

2 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...

幾何式的增長, 好!
[版主回覆07/10/2010 16:57:00]我覺得是前人種樹後人乘涼之意。

青蛙仔 提到...

睇左你的明珠檔案了, 唔錯呀, 又好上鏡, 靚仔!
[版主回覆07/10/2010 16:56:00]多謝多謝.