2008年6月20日 星期五

我相信這樣的親情(1) Love between Father and Son(1)

不好意思,錯過了父親節的post。和大家分享下面一段我回覆網友的話(提及信主及傳統的祭祖風俗) , 明天是我們的父親節旅行,這篇post權當遲來的父親節紀念吧(見: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=2769 ) :





(PS: 想起卡夫卡日記裡說的"人性中不可摧毀的力量",參考我早前提及此語的網誌:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=825)

Last Sunday is Father's Day. I would like to share a profound feeling with you. It's between my father and me.

I was quite a “provocative-thinker” while I was a secondary school boy. I had been wondering the sincerity in people, doubting the so-called justice people believe, and questioning the existence of god. I even had made some offensive statements.

Now I'm a much moderate person. Hope it's a good change.

I don't have a strong sense of traditional ancestor worship, but I do believe it's quite a natural feeling to love and remember the family members who had passed away, especially for those who we had the very close relationship.

I remember once I went to a funeral home with my father. To be frank, I didn’t even feel sorry for the dead and his family. But a thought struck my mind: what would I feel if the one lying in the coffin was my father?!

The tears suddenly came out and I couldn’t help it but cried.

This is the love between a father and a son. It's the love I believe in people. 

(PS: It reminds me of the term Kafka wrote in his diary: the indestructible power in human nature. sees the article I quoted this term: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=825 )

