2008年6月12日 星期四

徐遠華:跟進雅濤閣巴士總站燈光 Lighting Problem at Shum Wan Bus Terminus

早前跟進惠福道燈光問題時 (詳見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2861),我也順帶向路政處轉達一位老婆婆指出的雅濤閣巴士總站小巴站位置燈光不足的問題(見下圖)。



An old lady told me that there's not light enough at the Shum Wan Bus Terminus, especially at the corner of the minibus stop. So I addressed this problem to the Highway Department when I follow up the lighting problem at Welfare Road. (For details, pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2861

Some technical problems found after the inspection of the Dep't, so the Dep't plans to fix them at the end of June. Hope it could lighten up the dark area of the Bus Terminus.

This is a benefit of doing groundwork in community: local resident knows much better than us that where the probelms is, and they can voice out the problem to us directly.


You could see the dark area of the minibus stop.


Compare to this photo, we could find that there's no enough light at the minibus stop.
