2009年6月23日 星期二

深灣巴士總站9月禁煙 No Smlking Area in WCH



The Public Transport Interchange at Broadview Court, WCH will be designed as 'No Smoking Area' from September this year. According to my observation, no people smoke in the queue, they usually smoke opposite to the bus station and throw the cigarette when the bus starts.

Though the law affects the life style of the smokers, I do advice to quick smoking for the sake of themselves and their family.



3 則留言:

mabel 提到...

[版主回覆06/24/2009 12:23:00]巴士站禁煙其實不是我的功勞呢,不敢掠美。

青蛙仔 提到...

[版主回覆06/24/2009 12:28:00]這是06年立法時的立法內容,並不是我的功勞呢,不敢掠美,同樣也不會像一些政黨或議員那樣又掛什麼成功爭取BANNER

羽毛球勁人 提到...

我希望d人快d禁煙啦. 因為禁煙空氣凊新呀.