2009年6月18日 星期四

習慣還是上癮? Hobby or Addiction?


剛好在書店打書釘時看到這一句:You can get off a horse, but you can never get off a hobby!


I promise to update my blog every working day and seems it's normal for not update it because I'm taking the annual leaves. But it really made me feel uneasy yesterday simply because I didn't update this blog. Am I addicted to it?

I happened to read the following sentence yesterday when I was in a bookstore. I share with you and 'update' it by this way:

You can get off a horse, but you can never get off a hobby!

5 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...

[版主回覆06/22/2009 19:08:00]遲左兩日"行程",慚愧慚愧。

Cat 提到...

是呀 , 我初時都好像你這樣想 ~~ 但有一種心癮 , 唔寫是不能安心的 ~~

Li 提到...

我買左佢一本散文集. 好好睇. 跟住買左集CD <Jazz In Murakami Haruki> 好好聽啊, 你要唔要啊, SEND個ZIP 比你啊。 記錄村上春樹書中提過的歌。

Wing Chu 提到...

這本書好唔好體呀. 我想體呀.

oliver 提到...
