2009年6月2日 星期二

包玉剛泳池光污染 Light Pollution of Swimming Pool




I got a case complaining the light pollution of the Pao Yue Kong Swimming Pool Complex. The complainant told me that the light of the swimming pool is too bright and even they are usually turn off at 1130pm, though the swimming pool is closed at 10pm. According to the LCSD, the they need to clean the swimming pool after it's closed.

You are know more about the situation from the following pictures, which I took from the complainant's room.

After our follow up, the LCSD has changed the direction of some the lights and turned off some of the light during the cleaning time, and they will turn off most of the light before 11pm. I'm still following this case, hoping to have further improvement, in order to decrease the nuisance and save power. After all, it's matter of environmentally friendly.

Ref: I took part in a workshop about light pollution http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5445

4 則留言:

Peko momo 提到...

有晚路經赤柱, 嘩, 燈柱很近就有一枝, 照得如同白天. 光害呢 !!!!!
[版主回覆06/03/2009 16:56:00]以前大家覺得燈火通明是繁榮的象徵,不過適當就好,走向極端就不大好了。

青蛙仔 提到...

太光真係唔好, 希望有關當局從善如流啦!

V 提到...


羽毛球勁人 提到...
