2009年6月12日 星期五

全民防疫:派發洗手液 'Instant Hand Sanitizer' for Local Community



Because of the pain experience of SARS, the gov't response quickly to to H1N1 swine Influenza, and enable the district council and its member have more resource to deal with the prevention work at local level. I distributed the "anti-swine flu package" to residents to remind people to keep personal, home and environmental hygiene last month.(Details, pls refer  to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5941);

Each member of the district council has $5000 to apply for the work, so Chai Man Hon,Fung Wai Kwong and I use the month to buy the 'instant hand sanitizer' to distribute for the public(according to doctors, it's an effective to prevent H1N1 by Cleaning hands frequently), in order to prevent the virus spread out in local communities.

3 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...

真係打到來了, 大家要小心小心!

canki_wong 提到...


羽毛球勁人 提到...

真係打到來了, 大家要小心小心!